
Monday, November 4, 2013

No Excuses November!

I cant believe it's already November,it's crazy how fast this year has gone by. Anyway today marks my first day getting back into clean eating after taking a month off. I can honestly say that my body feels and looks like crap just from eating processed junk for a month. Don't get me wrong, it tasted amazing, but looking in the mirror and feeling sluggish everyday makes me regret every last bite. I want to start eating as clean as possible a few weeks before competition prep starts because I don't want to start my prep diet cold turkey, that's just begging for failure when it comes to me. Also today was my first day back in the gym after ten days and of course I kicked it off with a leg workout (my favorite!) I could hardly walk to the locker room when I was done, which is an indicator of a kick ass leg day.  I'm probably not going to be able to walk tomorrow but sore today, strong tomorrow, right? Here's what my workout looked like today

5 min warmup on stairmaster
foam rolling (cause dats my fav)
Dynamic stretching to get those legs and hips loose

Squats 10-8-6-4-6-8-10 (droppin it low) 
Stiff leg deadlifts 3x10 busting out 5 chinups (thats all i can do at the moment) between each set
seated calf raises 3x15
leg extensions 3x12 
hammy curls 3x12
and ended it with some lunges 3x10 on each leg
More foam rolling because I cant get enough (i think some guys where laughing at me haha)

then cardio later. 

whatever your workout was today, hope you killed it!